Wrestlers Post Best PSUAC/USCAA Finish in Program History

Wrestlers Post Best PSUAC/USCAA Finish in Program History

STATE COLLEGE, PA - After an extremely successful weekend for Fayette, our wrestlers took seventh place overall with 47.5 points as a team in the PSUAC/USCAA National Wrestling Invitational over at University Park on Sunday. Two of Fayette's wrestlers impressively came in second place in their weight classes, Michael Perdomo (141 pound weight class) and Ethan Kenney (157 pound weight class). Both athletes fell short to Penn State DuBois wrestlers. Not far behind was Pedro Tavarez, coming in fourth in the 149 pound weight class and then in the 184 pound weight class was Zain Ali accomplishing a sixth place ranking. This invitational marked the final tournament of the season, but moving on from it, we look forward to seeing all of our wrestlers return next year stronger and more experienced.